Avernus 055, 2018
rubber, steel, polishing paste, 50 x 40 x 8 cm
photographs: Tomo Jeseničnik, Darko Škrobonja
Avernus 055 is an object resembling a book made from black rubber pages connected with steel plates. Each page contains a sequence of words printed on the rubber by the use of polishing paste. Also, on one of the metal plates the work's title is engraved. Avernus 055 is an interactive work that can, because of the elastic rubber, be leafed through. Word prints present on the rubber are achieved via abrasion of the material and, thus, they depend on light; under different angles of lighting they are more or less apparent. The texts in the book compile signifiers of: parking garage warnings, chemical formulas, time stamps, natural occurrences and animals. In the same way as the triptych Procession, this work also explores transit spaces and their functions, and its title stems from the word avernus which, in old Roman times, meant the underworld. Together, rubber pages create an associative chain of signifiers (for example: STAIRWAY, FIRE, 013A followed by ASPHALT, COLLUMN, 025B), while abstract inscriptions applied to all pages (013A) refer to spatial facets of underground garages that are filled with letters and numbers printed on walls. Through association the viewer is able to imagine certain compartments of this fictive underground and by “traveling” inside it he reveals its transient nature. As a pendant of the work Procession, Avernus 055 tends to, in a similar conceptual fashion, dissect sterile consumerist locations.